What is the Overdose Field Report?
The Overdose Field Report is a centralized database using real-time data to track overdose events and reversals throughout the state of Missouri. This is a brief, voluntary, anonymous, online survey. Reports are completed by emergency responders, service providers, and individuals in the general public who have been trained and/or supplied naloxone through one of Missouri’s federally-funded grants. It is important to note that data in the ODFR system is limited to who has been trained and feels comfortable completing it. Therefore, please keep in mind, this report is a large underestimate of all the non-fatal overdose events happening across the state of Missouri and any interpretation of ODFR data should be made with caution. Additionally, reporting has been down due to COVID-19 with less in-person touch points to complete the ODFR.

Report an Overdose
If you respond to, experience, witness, or are informed of an overdose event, please complete the Overdose Field Report at: mohopeproject.org/odreport

Data from the Overdose Field Report
Collected from 12/01/16 to 3/21/2025
Total number of reports submitted to the ODFR: 14,440
Survival (to the best knowledge of the respondent):
Yes: 13,241 (92.83%)
No: 628 (4.40%)
Unsure: 394 (2.76%)
Missing Data: 177
Who is administering naloxone?
Clinician/Provider: 144
EMS: 3,133
Family Member: 346
Fire Crew: 1,050
Friend: 4,456
Other Emergency Responder: 398
Parent: 157
Partner/Spouse: 560
Police: 2,806
Someone Else: 286
Stranger: 758
Total number of naloxone doses administered:
Number of doses used when administering naloxone:
1 dose: 43.81%
2 doses: 42.83%
3 doses: 11.90%
4+ doses: 1.46%