This training is designed to help clinicians, peers, community health workers and others who work with people who use drugs to build a foundation of Harm Reduction. The skills you will learn are applicable to working with individuals in many settings and with diverse backgrounds. The overarching idea is to broaden how we think about working with people who use drugs, and move away from the notion that if an individual is not interested in treatment or abstinence, there is nothing that we can offer them.
Overview of training:
Harm Reduction as a philosophy, movement, and practice
Basic principles of Harm Reduction
Laying the foundation to utilize a harm reduction framework in your own practice
Upcoming Dates:
Thurs Feb 13, 1:30-3PM (Virtual)
Thurs Mar 6, 12:30-2PM (Virtual)
Register for any of the upcoming dates by clicking the button below. You will be directed to a pre-training survey and upon completion, you will be taken to the registration page.