
Foundations of Harm Reduction

This training is designed to help clinicians, peers, community health workers and others who work with people who use drugs to build a foundation of Harm Reduction. The skills you will learn are applicable to working with individuals in many settings and with diverse backgrounds. The overarching idea is to broaden how we think about working with people who use drugs, and move away from the notion that if an individual is not interested in treatment or abstinence, there is nothing that we can offer them.

Overview of training:

  • Harm Reduction as a philosophy, movement, and practice

  • Basic principles of Harm Reduction

  • Laying the foundation to utilize a harm reduction framework in your own practice

Upcoming Dates:

Thurs Feb 13, 1:30-3PM (Virtual)

Thurs Mar 6, 12:30-2PM (Virtual)

Register for any of the upcoming dates by clicking the button below. You will be directed to a pre-training survey and upon completion, you will be taken to the registration page.


Harm Reduction In Practice

*While not required, we recommend taking Foundations of Harm Reduction first.

So you like the idea of harm reduction, but are unsure how to implement harm reduction practices in your work? This training explores communication practices to support individuals in assessing their options and making changes. Gain a better understanding of how to “meet people where they are” and the resources and tools you can offer to support an individual at any point in their relationship to substance use. This training is oriented towards peers, community health workers, outreachers and others who work with people who use drugs, but all are welcome.

Overview of training:

  • Applying harm reduction principles to your engagement with program participants 

  • Utilizing Stages of Change and Motivational Interviewing from a harm reduction framework

  • Practical tools and resources for harm reduction 

  • Hands on practice!

Upcoming Dates - Click Link to Register:

Wed Jan 22, 9:30-11:30AM (Virtual)

Wed Feb 19, 10-noon (Virtual)

Tues Mar 11, noon-2PM (Virtual)


Advocating for Harm Reduction Within Your Organization

So you’re incorporating harm reduction into your work, but not sure how to encourage greater adoption of harm reduction within your organization? This training is given by Missouri harm reductionists who have worked in various direct service roles and have experience advocating for organizational change. 

Bring your own experiences, problems you’re encountering, and harm reduction goals to this training - we’ll have a mix of instruction and workshop time on the following topics: 

  • Understanding your organizational context and identifying effective strategies to build support for harm reduction in your setting 

  • Having effective conversations about harm reduction strategies

  • Addressing objections and concerns about harm reduction 

  • Connecting with other harm reductionists and resources across Missouri. 

    • There will be an opportunity to join a follow up space with other Missouri harm reductionists, hosted on the platform Discord. If you’d like to join, feel free to download Discord on your phone or computer ahead of time. 

This training is designed for people who are already familiar with harm reduction and want to help their workplace or organization embrace harm reduction philosophy and practices. If you’re new to harm reduction or want a refresher, we recommend you check out (1) Foundations of Harm Reduction and/or (2) Harm Reduction In Practice.

Upcoming Dates - Click Link to Register:

Mon Jan 27, noon-2PM (Virtual)

Tues Feb 25 , 2-4PM (Virtual)

Thurs Mar 20, 10-noon (Virtual)


Request a Training For Your Organization

We offer in-person and zoom trainings for organizations and agencies looking to build a philosophy and practice of harm reduction. If none of the above training dates work for your team and you’d like to schedule a training for your organization, please fill out our training request form and we’ll be in touch!